How to Download WhatsApp Beta on iPhone

by - February 22, 2017

Now that we’ve established all that, here’s how you can download and install WhatsApp beta on iPhone:

  1. Uninstall WhatsApp on your iPhone, if you have it. Make sure you backup your WhatsApp data before you proceed, otherwise you will end up losing it completely.
  2. Connect your iPhone to a computer – Windows/ macOS – and launch iTunes on the computer.
  3. Make sure you tell the phone to the trust the computer, when prompted.
  4. Verify that the phone is showing up in iTunes, and then quit iTunes. Keep your iPhone plugged in.
  5. Download the WhatsApp beta from this link.
  6. Download and launch Cydia Impactor.
  7. Drag the WhatsApp IPA file from step 5 to the tiny Cydia Impactor window.
  8. You will be promoted to enter an Apple ID followed by the password. Use your existing one, or create a new one. We recommend the latter, just to be safe.
  9. Cydia Impactor will then install the WhatsApp beta file on your iPhone.
  10. If you try to launch the WhatsApp app beta on your phone right now, you will get an error message.
  11. To fix the error, go to your iPhone's Settings > General > Device Management.
  12. Tap 'Trust <your_Apple_ID>' where your_Apple_ID will be the account you used in step 8
  13. Go back and launch WhatsApp.
If you follow that correctly, you should be running the latest beta version of WhatsApp, assuming you don’t encounter any errors. Note that syncing message logs and other data between beta and stable versions may not always be possible. If you want to go back to the general build, just delete the beta version, and install WhatsApp from the App Store

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